R Packages and You


R Package development has flourished over the past five years. In 2016 only three new R packages were added to the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) each day. In 2021 that rate shot up to 17 new daily packages and in 2022 the R community currently averages 36 new packages per day! This increase, while driven by many other factors, owes a lot to the wealth of resources and tools for package development that have recently entered the R atmosphere. While back in the dark ages creating a package would have been a long and arduous task, today’s tools alleviate most of the technical complexities of package development and allow you to focus on what matters. This talk will showcase a selection of the tools that help automate package development while encouraging you to go forth and create a package of your own.

University of Minnesota Biostatistics Student Seminar
Minneapolis, Minnesota


Jack M. Wolf
Biostatistician and Educator

I’m an biostatistics PhD student at the University of Minnesota interested in causal inference, clinical trial design, and statistics and data science education.