Statistical Genetics

Multimarker omnibus tests by leveraging individual marker summary statistics from large biobanks

As biobanks become increasingly popular, access to genotypic and phenotypic data continues to increase in the form of precomputed summary statistics (PCSS). Widespread accessibility of PCSS alleviates many issues related to biobank data, including …

Summary Statistics for Statistical Genetics

Methodological research leveraging pre-computed summary statistics for new inferences

Using summary statistics to model multiplicative combinations of initially analyzed phenotypes with a flexible choice of covariates

While the promise of electronic medical record and biobank data is large, major questions remain about patient privacy, computational hurdles, and data access. One promising area of recent development is pre-computing non-individually identifiable …

Computationally efficient, exact covariate-adjusted multivariate methods for genetic analysis leveraging summary statistics from large biobanks

The popularization of biobanks provides an unprecedented amount of genetic and phenotypic information that can be used to research the relationship between genetics and human health. Despite the opportunities these datasets provide, they also pose …